Sponsor a Life, Ignite Hope

Sponsorships with Rosi C Ranch

Your donations make a tangible difference. Support our equine partners through Horse Sponsorships, or empower individuals in need through Student Sponsorships. Choose where your contribution goes and experience the rewards of changing lives. Explore our Sponsor levels for exclusive perks.

Horse Sponsorship

Horse Sponsorships money goes towards direct care to the individual horse that you are sponsoring. This can include food, medical and health care, tack or any other numerous need our herd may have.

Student Sponsorship

Whether it be our Heros that have served in our country or community, an At-RIsk-Youth that has faced a history of trauma or any other individual that has hardships in life, we are thankful to any donation that you may feel can be offered to go into our scholarship fund. You can give to the general scholarship fund or designate what category of client receives the donation such as strictly Veterans, At-Risk-Youth, Sexual Abuse/Domestic Abuse victims or First Responders. If you choose to designate, we will make sure your money directly serves a client in that category.

Level 1

$ 1-999 Donation
  • You or your business will receive a quarterly newsletter with herd and client updates
  • Shout out on our Facebook Page
  • Listed on our Website Sponsorship Page

Level 2

$ 1,000-5,000 Donation
  • You or your business will have the luxury of seeing your marketing sign posted on our fence
  • you will receive an annual custom letter pertaining to the horse or client (with their permission) you are sponsoring
  • You or your business will receive a quarterly newsletter with herd and client updates
  • Shout out on our Facebook Page
  • Listed on our Website Sponsorship Page

Level 3

$ 5,000+ Donation
  • Your business logo on our t-shirts
  • You or your business will have the luxury of seeing your marketing sign posted on our fence
  • you will receive an annual custom letter pertaining to the horse or client (with their permission) you are sponsoring
  • You or your business will receive a quarterly newsletter with herd and client updates
  • Shout out on our Facebook Page
  • Listed on our Website Sponsorship Page